
What Order Should My Skincare Routine Follow?

Have you have ever been in a situation where you have many skincare products but don’t know which one to apply first? You may not be alone; it happens to the best of us.

But it is never too late to learn, though.

Even though the skin is the largest organ in the body and is constantly exposed to the sun and contaminants from the environment, many of us fail to take proper care of it.

Aside from helping you look your best, having amazing skin also makes you feel and appear younger.

It can be challenging to undo damage once it has been done, which is why having a healthy skincare routine is crucial.

Skincare Routine at Home: Steps for Beginners

Having great skin is not something that just happens; your daily routine has a big impact on how you look.

Here are some fundamental skin care routine steps to remember:

Cleaning: washing of the face.

Toning: This is the process of balancing the skin after cleansing the face.

Moisturizing: which hydrates and softens the skin.

Skincare Products to Use in the Morning

Protecting and preventing are the primary objectives of morning skin care routines.

Your face will be in direct sunlight; using sunscreen and a moisturizer is essential.

Follow these steps:

Cleanser with oil base

Cleansers come in two varieties: water-based and oil-based. The latter gets rid of the oil your skin secretes.

How to apply it:

Certain oil-based cleansers are better applied to damp skin than others to dry skin. Examine the directions on the label before using a tiny quantity.


Oil cleansers are more effective at cleaning. They are able to eliminate waterproof makeup and unclog pores.

According to a study, oil cleansers might be a better option for removing waterproof sunscreen than other techniques.

For a few days, do a patch test on a tiny section of your skin and note how it responds.

Cleanser with a water base

Surfactants, the main ingredient in these cleansers, enable water to wipe away perspiration and grime.

They can also remove the oils that have accumulated after using an oil-based cleanser.

How to apply it:

After massaging into damp skin, rinse with water and pat dry.


Choose a cleanser with a neutral pH since, according to a 2021 study, it may be less irritating to your skin.


After cleansing, toners eliminate dirt and dead cells from the skin while also hydrating it.

How to apply it:

Immediately after washing, use a cotton pad or tap straight onto the skin, swiping the face outward.


Ignore this if you have dry skin. Avoid alcohol-based toners, as they have the potential to irritate the skin.

Antioxidant serums

Certain ingredients are concentrated to a great degree in serums. Antioxidant-rich serum protects skin from unstable molecules called free radicals.

Vitamins C and E are common antioxidants used to improve firmness and smoothness.

How to apply it:

Apply a couple of drops to your neck and face.


Try a new product on a small patch of skin to observe how it interacts with other items in your routine and with your skin type.

Apply spot treatment (optional)

If you have a head on your spot, try covering it with an anti-inflammatory cream first, and then cover the rest of the spot with a spot-drying treatment.

Anything under the skin is a cyst; therefore, you’ll need to treat it with something that attacks the infection from the inside out.

How to apply it:

To get rid of any skin care products from the area, use a moist cotton swab. Allow it to dry after applying a small amount of the treatment.


Steer clear of applying spot therapy to visible flaws. Treatments for acne can lessen pain, redness, and inflammation.

Use an eye cream

The area of skin surrounding your eyes is typically thinner and more delicate.

Additionally, it is prone to aging-related fine wrinkles, discoloration, and puffiness.

How to apply it:

Apply a tiny quantity to the eye region with your ring finger.


While an excellent eye cream can smooth, firm, and brighten the region, it won’t solve all your problems.
Use sparingly and make sure to thoroughly clean.

If product accumulation is left in this delicate area, it could clog pores.

Use moisturizer

Skin is softened and soothed by a moisturizer. For dry skin, apply a balm or lotion.

For normal to mixed skin, thicker creams work best; for oilier skin types, fluids and gels are suggested.

How to apply it:

Warm a portion in your hands that is a little larger than a pea. Apply to the cheeks first, then the rest of the face, using upward strokes.


If you get enough moisture from your toner or serum, you can skip this step. People with oily skin in particular should be aware of this.

By shielding the skin barrier, regular moisturization can help avoid blemishes and other skin problems.

Apply sunscreen

Sunscreen is the final and most important step in your morning skin care routine.

It can lessen the effects of aging and cut your risk of skin cancer by shielding you from harmful UV rays.

How to use it:

Apply generously on your face and gently massage it in. It’s important to apply it 15 to 30 minutes before going outside.

Skin care products should never be applied on top of sunscreen since this can dilute it.


To protect against UVA and UVB rays, the American Academy of Dermatology Association advises selecting a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher.

Every two hours while you’re in the sun, reapply sunscreen to your body and face.

What Should I Use In The Evening?

Use heavier products at night to concentrate on fixing the damage that was done throughout the day.

This is also the best time to use any product that increases skin sensitivity to sunlight, such as chemical peels and manual exfoliants.

Makeup remover with an oil base

Natural skin oils and greasy makeup elements can be broken down and dissolved by an oil-based cleanser.

How to apply it:

Observe the directions provided for the particular product. They might suggest using the makeup remover on dry or damp skin.

Once applied, massage the skin until clean, and then quickly rinse with water.


Using a makeup remover can assist in clearing your skin of pollutants and makeup residue if you wear makeup.

Cleanser with a water base

Water-based cleansers react with debris and makeup on the skin, making it possible to rinse everything off with a simple water wash.

How to apply it:

Typically, you’ll massage it into damp skin, then rinse it off.


Removing any residue from your oil cleanser or makeup remover can be aided by double cleaning.

Pick a mild recipe with an alkaline pH. When cleaning your face, try not to scrub it too vigorously.

Excessive force might cause skin irritation.

Clay mask or exfoliator

Dead skin cells are removed and pores are made clear through exfoliation.

Clay masks can absorb extra oil in addition to helping to clear clogged pores.

To help the skin absorb additional products and remove any remaining dirt, these masks work best when worn at night.

How to apply it:

Exfoliators can be applied in a variety of ways, so read the product directions carefully. Apply clay masks to your entire face or to specific trouble spots once or twice a week.


Steer clear of overusing chemical and physical exfoliators, particularly if your skin is sensitive.

After exfoliating, make sure to apply sunscreen during the day because exfoliators may make your skin more sensitive to the sun.

Toner or hydrating mist

Your overnight cleansing process ends with a moisturizing spray or toner. To add moisture to skin, look for humectant substances like glycerine, hyaluronic acid, and lactic acid.

How to apply it:

Apply spritzes on your face. Use a cotton pad to apply the toner product and then swipe it over your skin.


Toners can help balance the pH of your skin and eliminate residue left over from previous steps in your process.

Acid treatment

Treatments with facial acids may promote cell turnover. Novices might want to give glycolic acid a try.

Other options include salicylic acid, which treats acne, and moisturizing hyaluronic acid.

Your complexion should become even and brighter over time.

How to apply it:

With the intention of using it every night, begin once a week. Patch testing should be done at least 24 hours before usage.

Gently wipe the face with a cotton pad containing some drops of the solution, taking care not to get any in the eyes.


Studies show that acids can help balance out your skin tone and lessen wrinkles,

scars, acne, and fine lines. Select an acid treatment based on your skin’s needs.


Serums applied topically to the skin have strong ingredients; an essence is a diluted form of the serum.

While antioxidants like green tea extract might aid with dull complexions, vitamin E is great for dry skin. If you often break out, consider taking vitamin C or retinol.

How to use it:

The day before you intend to use a new essence or serum, conduct a patch test. If your skin looks good, press the product into your skin with your palm.

It is possible to layer different items. Simply apply the water-based ones first, followed by the oil-based ones, and let them dry for 30 seconds.


Highly concentrated skin benefits are provided by serums.
Select a serum that provides the anti-aging, hydrating, brightening, or spot treatment advantages your skin requires.

Spot treatment

Anti-inflammatory medicines are meant for head blemishes. Apply a spot-drying treatment thereafter. Visibly dry ones are excellent for use at night.

How to apply it:

Make sure you have clean skin. Dab the treatment product, leave it to dry.


Acne healing solutions have the potential to show results quickly, sometimes even the same day.

Put on a mask

Masks that are hydrating add moisture without blocking pores.

How to apply it:

These potent hydrators are available in a variety of shapes. Certain products are serums, some are thicker masks, and some are designed to be worn overnight.


A mask can eliminate extra sebum and maintain healthy, moisturizing elements in direct contact with your skin.

Use an eye cream

Fine wrinkles and fatigue are two appearance-related problems that can be improved with a thicker bedtime eye cream. Seek out a high level of antioxidants and peptides.

How to apply it:

Dab a tiny bit of cream into the area around your eyes.


Allowing the product to sit on your skin overnight allows it to get absorbed. Additionally, some solutions can help prevent wrinkles and increase the production of collagen.

Use face oil

Dry or parched skin benefits greatly from a nightly oil. Applying heavier oils in the evening is ideal, as it helps prevent unwelcome shiny complexion.

How to use it:

Apply a few drops to the skin. Don’t add more products on top for optimal results.


Oil, when applied at night, works best.

Use a night cream

Although they are not required, night creams might be beneficial as a final step. These rich moisturizers assist in cell healing, while day creams shield the skin.

How to apply it:

Before applying the cream evenly around your face, warm up a tiny bit of it in your palms.


Putting on a sleep mask or night cream gives the substance time to permeate the epidermis.

Skincare Tips

When cleansing your face, use the proper cleanser for your skin type.

Use a moderate amount of product.

Rehydrate during the day and at night.

Avoid touching your face.

When using toner, always sweep upwards with a cotton pad that has been saturated.

Skincare Quotes

  1. Healthcare includes skincare.

2. Having healthy skin is always fashionable,

3. Healthy skin takes time to achieve.

4. Always wash your face before you go to sleep at night since good skin care is important.

5. Getting professional skin care treatments on a regular basis is like getting an oil change for your car.

6. Having great skin takes more than one attempt.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Skincare?

Skin care is an everyday routine that supports the skin, improves its look, and treats skin disorders.

Cosmetic use, ultrasonic skin treatments, exfoliation, microdermabrasion, peels, laser resurfacing, and other procedures can all be used to improve one’s look.

Why Skincare is Important?

To comprehend why skincare is crucial, you must realize that your skin serves as your body’s first line of defense against any environmental threats.

Millions, if not billions, of microorganisms are prevented from entering your body by a healthy skin barrier, where they cannot cause illness, discomfort, or infection.

Your skin serves as both the exterior covering that shields your body from the elements and the wrapper that makes you appear to be who you are.

Your skin’s color, texture, and the way it frames your features give you a look that is uniquely yours.

Therefore, having healthy skin benefits your general well-being and has the power to increase or decrease your self-confidence as you navigate life.

What skin type do I have?

If your skin seems shiny all over, you most likely have oily skin.

If your skin feels tight, is flaky or scaly, or both, you most likely have dry skin.

You most likely have mixed skin if your T-zone is the only place that shines.

Your skin is probably normal if it feels comfortable and hydrated yet isn’t oily.

How much skincare is too much?

Using 6-7 items on your skin at once is not helpful and may even be harmful, especially if your skincare products include an excessive amount of active ingredients.

If you’re changing your skincare routine, introduce new processes and products one at a time to give your skin time to adjust.

Do skincare products expire?

Products for skincare do, in fact, expire. Even the priciest skincare creams, serums, oils, tinctures, and ointments eventually degrade to the point where you should discard them.

What is the difference between a day spa and a medical spa?

In a day spa, services are frequently offered by professionals who hold licenses in fields like therapeutic massage and cosmetology.

A medical spa is a cross between a day spa and a medical aesthetic clinic that runs under the direction of a highly qualified and specialized physician.

How long before I start to see results in my skincare routine?

Dermatologists advise that you should stick to a new routine for at least three months before evaluating its efficacy because, in general, changes to your skin will take at least a month.

At what age do I start anti-aging treatments?

Neither early nor late is ever too late. Starting during your 20’s is a good idea.

What skincare products can I use while pregnant?

Gentle moisturizers and cleansers without scents.

Hyaluronic acid, a moisturizer with anti-aging effects that are safe during pregnancy, and benzoyl peroxide, which is safe in small doses but should be discussed with your dermatologist before use.



This information is not meant to replace medical care from a licensed healthcare or beauty expert; rather, it is meant for educational and self-awareness purposes.


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