Personal Care

How to Get Rid of Dark Circles on Eyes? Causes and Treatment

Imagine walking into your office, energetic and so full of life, ready to command the day, only to be asked why you look tired, wondering if you got any sleep the night before.

Do we even talk about the unpleasant feelings that come with explaining that you aren’t as tired as you look? Dark circles around the eyes tend to put us in different uncomfortable situations, making you feel like you need to get rid of it and right now!

While dark circles are usually not a sign of any serious medical condition, many individuals seek ways to reduce their appearance for aesthetic reasons.

Although they usually don’t warrant concern, you might choose to lighten their appearance for cosmetic purposes. While some believe that dark circles can be removed with home cures, others swear by medical procedures like laser therapy.

I will share lifestyle modifications and treatments that can lessen the appearance of dark circles, but first, let’s find out what dark circles are all about.

What Actually Are Dark Circles?

Dark circles under the eyes are of course a frustrating cosmetic concern for many people. They can make you appear tired, older, or even unhealthy, even when you’re feeling your best.

The region of skin below and around your eyes appears darker when you have dark circles under them, potentially affecting your overall appearance and self-confidence.

Dark circles refer to the darkened skin beneath and around your eyes. Depending on your natural skin tone, these circles may appear blue, purple, brown, or black.

While they’re often associated with fatigue, the causes of dark circles are actually quite varied and complex.

It’s important to note that, while dark circles can be a cosmetic concern, they usually don’t indicate a serious medical problem. However, many people choose to address them for aesthetic reasons, as they can make you appear older or more tired than you actually are.

Who Is More Prone To Dark Circles?

Dark circles can affect people of all ages, races, and genders. They can appear to varying degrees on all skin types. However, certain groups are more likely to develop dark circles beneath their eyes.

  • Older individuals

As we age, our skin thins and loses collagen, making blood vessels more visible and contributing to the appearance of dark circles.

  • People with a family history

Dark circles can be hereditary, so if your parents or siblings have them, you may be more likely to develop them as well.

  • Those with darker skin tones

Hyperpigmentation is more common in individuals with melanin-rich skin, which can contribute to more noticeable dark circles.

  • People with certain medical conditions

Conditions that affect circulation or cause fluid retention can exacerbate the appearance of dark circles.

  • Individuals with allergies

Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and dilate blood vessels under the eyes, leading to darker appearance.

Why are There Dark Areas on My Eyes?

Causes of Dark Circles

Knowing why there are dark circles around your eyes is crucial for effective treatment. Although tiredness is the most frequent cause of dark circles beneath the eyes.

Why are There Dark Areas on My Eyes?

  • Fatigue and lack of sleep:

Insufficient rest can make your skin appear paler, accentuating the appearance of dark circles. When you’re tired, your body produces more cortisol, which can increase blood volume and cause blood vessels to dilate.

  • Genetics

Some people are predisposed to having more pronounced dark circles due to their genetic makeup. This can include inherited traits like thinner skin under the eyes or more prominent blood vessels.

  • Allergies

Allergic reactions can cause inflammation and dilate blood vessels under the eyes. Additionally, allergies can lead to rubbing or scratching the eyes, which can worsen the appearance of dark circles. Contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (eczema), allergies, and allergic rhinitis (hay fever) can also cause dark circles.

  • Dehydration

Not drinking enough water can make the skin around your eyes appear sunken and dark. When you’re dehydrated, the skin under your eyes can look more hollow, casting shadows that appear as dark circles.

  • Sun exposure

Excessive sun exposure can increase melanin production, darkening the skin under your eyes. The delicate skin around the eyes is particularly susceptible to sun damage.

  • Aging

As we get older, we lose fat and collagen. This may increase the visibility of the reddish-blue blood vessels beneath your eyes. The skin also becomes thinner, which can make the area under the eyes appear darker.

Note that…

Hollows under the eyes and puffed eyelids are also typical as people age.

These bodily alterations might occasionally produce shadows that resemble dark circles beneath the eyes.

  • Lifestyle factors

Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and poor diet can contribute to dark circles. These habits can dehydrate the skin and impair circulation, exacerbating the appearance of dark circles.

  • Eye strain

Staring at computer screens or other digital devices for long periods can cause eye strain, which can lead to enlarged blood vessels around the eyes.

  • Anemia

Iron deficiency can lead to dark circles as it reduces the oxygen supply to body tissues, including the skin under the eyes.

  • Oversleeping

Surprisingly, too much sleep can also cause fluid to pool under your eyes, leading to puffiness and the appearance of dark circles.

Different Kinds of Dark Circles

The eye contour, which has the thinnest skin on our body and ages the fastest, is greatly impacted by dark rings.

Since the eyes reflect our personalities and dark circles give a darker appearance, it is not unexpected that dark circles are among the primary causes of aesthetic discomfort.

A healthy diet and adequate sleep can help to eliminate these facial traces.

Other treatment techniques are available as well, carried out by oculoplastic ophthalmologists who specialize in the sensitive area surrounding the eyes.

When you understand the type of dark circles you have, can help you determine the most effective treatment approach.

It’s critical to determine the type of dark circles a patient has in order to determine the best course of treatment (hyaluronic acid, facial mesotherapy, peels, etc.).

There are, primarily, three types of dark circles:

1. Pigmented Dark Circles:

It occurs when the skin of the eyelids produces an excessive amount of melanin for either inherited or acquired causes. This disorder is medically referred to as idiopathic hyperchromic of the orbital ring.

It’s Features:

    • Appear brown or black
    • Caused by excessive melanin production in the skin around the eyes
    • Often genetic or due to sun exposure
    • More common in individuals with darker skin tones

2. Vascular Dark Circles

Vascular dark circles, also known as dark circles in the veins, are caused by the flexibility and thinning of the skin due to a poor microcirculation around the eyes.

Those with fair, delicate complexion tend to have darker rings under their eyes.

It’s Features:

    • Have a blue, pink, or purple hue
    • Caused by visible blood vessels due to thin skin around the eyes
    • Often exacerbated by lack of sleep or poor circulation
    • More common in individuals with fair skin
3. Structural Dark Circles

This type is structured and characterized by a groove that extends from the tear duct to the cheek area. These indented dark circles can have a range of colors.

Thus, the sunken eyes, or under-eye contour depression, are caused by a decrease in cheek fat as a result of gravity and aging.

It’s Feature

    • Characterized by a groove extending from the tear duct to the cheek area
    • Often caused by volume loss in the face due to aging
    • Can create a shadow effect, giving the appearance of dark circles
    • May be accompanied by hollowing of the under-eye area

To get the most aesthetically pleasing solution for your dark circles and to guarantee the safety of your treatment, select a team that specializes in oculoplastic ophthalmology.

Note that…

Some individuals may have a combination of these types, which is why a personalized approach to treatment is often necessary.

Home Remedies for Dark Circles

There are numerous at-home methods you can try to reduce the appearance of dark circles. While results may vary, many people find relief with these natural remedies.

Among the home cures are:

Get More Sleep

Dark circles under your eyes might result from fatigue and sleep deprivation, which could accentuate the appearance of your dark circles.

Ensure that you are sleeping for seven to eight hours per night and that you are maintaining appropriate sleep hygiene to avoid shadows around your eyes.

  • Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night
  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality

Elevate Your Head

Raise your head using a few extra cushions beneath your head when you sleep to reduce the puffiness caused by fluid collecting in your lower eyelids.

  • Use extra pillows to keep your head slightly elevated while sleeping
  • This can help reduce fluid accumulation under your eyes, minimizing puffiness and dark circles
Apply A Cold Compress

Your under eye area may occasionally appear darker due to dilated blood vessels. To help constrict dilated blood vessels, place cold spoons on your eyes.

This might lessen the visibility of dark circles and swollen eyelids.

  • Use a chilled spoon, cucumber slices, or a cold washcloth
  • Apply for 10–15 minutes in the morning or before an event
  • This can help constrict blood vessels, reducing puffiness and darkness
Slices of Cucumber

Natural healing advocates advise chilling thick cucumber slices and applying the cold slices to the dark circles for ten minutes or so.

Due to their high water and vitamin C content, cucumbers can help reduce puffiness.

Next, give the area a water rinse. Apply this remedy twice a day.

Tea Bags

Natural healers advise soaking two teabags in warm water (use caffeinated tea), then putting the bags in the refrigerator to cool for a short while.

Put a sack over every eye, remove them after five minutes and rinse with water. Tea has antioxidants and caffeine, which helps improve circulation.

You can:

  • Use cooled, caffeinated tea bags (green or black tea work well)
  • Place on eyes for 10–15 minutes
  • The caffeine and antioxidants can improve circulation and reduce puffiness
  • Do this once or twice daily

Minimize Sun Exposure

Minimize or completely avoid sun exposure on your face.

    • Protect your face from excessive sun exposure to prevent hyperpigmentation
    • Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat when outdoors
    • Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily, even on cloudy days

Use Hydrating Products

Numerous moisturizers available without prescription could perhaps alleviate the dark circles beneath your eyes.

Caffeine, vitamin E, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, and/or retinol are found in several of them.

  • Look for eye creams containing caffeine, vitamin E, aloe vera, hyaluronic acid, or retinol
  • Apply gently with your ring finger to avoid pulling on the delicate skin
  • Use consistently for best results
Vitamin E and Almond Oil

Advocates of natural healing advise combining equal parts almond oil and vitamin E, then gently rubbing the mixture into the dark circles soon before bed.

First thing in the morning, give the region a quick wash with cold water.

Until the dark rings vanish, repeat the procedure every night.

  • Mix equal parts vitamin E oil and almond oil
  • Gently massage into the under-eye area before bed
  • Rinse off in the morning with cool water
  • Repeat nightly until you see improvement
Facial Massage

Including massage in the vicinity of the eyes helps enhance blood flow.

  • Gently massaging the eye area can improve blood circulation
  • Use your ring finger to apply light pressure in a circular motion
  • Be careful not to pull or tug at the delicate skin

To disguise your dark circles, blend the tone of your face with a makeup foundation and under-eye concealer.

How to get rid of dark circles on the eyes?
  • Use concealer and foundation to camouflage dark circles temporarily
    • Choose a concealer that’s one shade lighter than your skin tone
    • Set with a light dusting of translucent powder to prevent creasing

Stay Hydrated

    • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
    • Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily
    • This can help plump up the skin and reduce the appearance of dark circles

Potato slices

    • Place chilled potato slices on your eyes for 10–15 minutes
    • Potatoes contain natural bleaching agents that can help lighten dark circles
    • Repeat daily for best results

Aloe Vera Gel

    • Apply a small amount of pure aloe vera gel under your eyes
    • Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water
    • The vitamin E and antioxidants in aloe can help improve skin elasticity

Rose Water

    • Soak cotton pads in chilled rose water
    • Place on eyes for 15 minutes
    • Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe and brighten the under-eye area

Remember, consistency is key when using home remedies. It may take several weeks of regular use before you notice significant improvement.

Medical Treatments for Dark Circles

What Solutions are There for Treating Dark Circles on the Eyes Medically?

If home remedies aren’t providing the results you desire, several medical treatments are available. You will have to consult with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon before pursuing any of these options

So, give your healthcare provider a call if you want to get rid of your dark circles quickly and permanently.

They can inform you about the available treatments for your skin condition.

The following are some possible medical treatments for under-eye dark circles:

Topical Creams

Dark circles on your eyes might be less

noticeable with the use of topical treatments like vitamin C and bleaching chemicals like hydroquinone.

  • Prescription creams containing hydroquinone or vitamin C can help lighten dark circles
  • These work by inhibiting melanin production or boosting collagen synthesis
  • Must be used under medical supervision due to potential side effects

Chemical Peels

Alpha-hydroxy acids are used in chemical peels to lessen the pigmentation beneath your eyes.

  • Alpha-hydroxy acid peels can reduce pigmentation under the eyes
  • These work by removing the top layer of skin, revealing brighter skin underneath
  • Multiple treatments may be necessary for optimal results

Laser therapy

You can tighten and rejuvenate your skin with laser procedures. Diode lasers and pulsed dye lasers are examples of noninvasive laser solutions.

  • Various laser treatments can tighten skin and improve its overall appearance
  • Options include fractional lasers, Q-switched lasers, and pulsed dye lasers
  • Can target both pigmentation and vascular issues

Dermal Fillers

Hyaluronic acid gel, an injectable filler, can plump up and smooth out your skin.

  • Hyaluronic acid fillers can plump up the under-eye area, reducing the appearance of shadows
  • Results are immediate but temporary, typically lasting 6–12 months
  • Best for structural dark circles caused by volume loss

Blepharoplasty or Eyelid surgery

The removal of extra skin and fat from the area around your eyes is known as blepharoplasty.

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections or Injections of platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

These injections can reinforce collagen on the

skin, accelerate the formation of blood vessels, and restore the skin around your eyes.

PRP, tissue fillers and eyelid surgery can treat dark circles on eyes
  • These can stimulate collagen production and improve skin quality
  • Uses your own blood plasma to rejuvenate the under-eye area
  • May require multiple treatments for optimal results


    • Creates tiny punctures in the skin to stimulate collagen production
    • Can be combined with topical treatments for enhanced results
    • Requires multiple sessions and some downtime


    • Involves injecting carbon dioxide gas under the eyes
    • Can improve blood circulation and collagen production
    • Results are gradual and may require multiple treatments

Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy

    • Uses light energy to target pigmentation and vascular issues
    • Can improve overall skin tone and texture
    • Multiple treatments are usually necessary

Radiofrequency Treatments:

    • Uses radiofrequency energy to tighten skin and stimulate collagen production
    • Non-invasive with minimal downtime
    • Results develop gradually over several months

When considering medical treatments, it’s crucial to have realistic expectations and understand the potential risks and benefits of each procedure.

How Do I Prevent Dark Circles Under My Eyes?

While not all dark circles can be prevented, certain lifestyle changes may help reduce their appearance or prevent them from worsening

You can make a few lifestyle adjustments that might be beneficial.

Among these adjustments are:

Use Sunscreen

Apply sunscreen to your face, especially the area around your eyes, to protect yourself from the sun.

Wear sunglasses as well.

  • Apply a broad-spectrum SPF to your face daily, including the eye area
  • Choose a sunscreen specifically formulated for the delicate eye area
  • Reapply every two hours when outdoors

Improve Sleep Habits

Modify your sleep routine by going to bed on time and ensuring that you get seven hours or more of sleep every night.

  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule
  • Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep per night
  • Create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve sleep quality

Manage Stress and Lessen Your Tension

Seek out constructive methods to deal with your stress, such as setting aside time for self-care.

  • Find healthy ways to cope with stress, such as meditation or exercise
  • Practice deep breathing exercises or yoga to promote relaxation
  • Consider talking to a therapist if stress is overwhelming

Stay Hydrated

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Aim for at least 8 glasses of water daily
  • Eat water-rich foods like cucumbers, watermelon, and celery

Limit Alcohol Consumption

    • Excessive alcohol can impair circulation and dehydrate your body
    • If you drink, do so in moderation and balance with plenty of water

Eat a Balanced Diet

    • Ensure you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals, especially iron, to prevent anemia-related dark circles
    • Include foods rich in vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin E in your diet
    • Consider adding more fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to your meals

Protect Your Eyes from Digital Strain

    • Take regular breaks when using digital devices
    • Use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds
    • Adjust screen brightness and contrast for comfort

Treat Allergies

    • If you have allergies, work with your doctor to manage them effectively
    • Avoid rubbing your eyes, as this can worsen dark circles

Regular exercise

    • Engage in regular physical activity to improve circulation
    • Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week

Gentle Cleansing

    • Use a gentle cleanser around the eye area
    • Avoid harsh rubbing or tugging when removing makeup

Cold compresses

    • Use cold compresses regularly, even when you don’t have visible puffiness
    • This can help maintain good circulation in the under-eye area

By incorporating these prevention strategies into your daily routine, you may be able to minimize the appearance of dark circles and maintain healthier-looking skin around your eyes.

Quick Fixes for Dark Circles

People claim to have reduced or completely eradicated the look of black circles beneath their eyes in a variety of ways.

Since each person is unique, some of these treatments might not be effective for you.

It’s wise to discuss your intentions with your doctor before putting them to the test on yourself, just like you should with any treatment.

For times when you need a rapid improvement in the appearance of your dark circles, try these methods:

Vitamin K-complex

According to a 2015 study, applying a pad under the eyes—which contains a blend of caffeine and vitamin K reduces the depth of wrinkles and the appearance of dark circles.

  • Look for eye creams or pads specifically formulated with vitamin K

High-Concentration Vitamin C Products

Collagen production can be boosted by vitamin C.

When using high-concentration vitamin C beauty products, consumers could see a reduction in the look of their under-eye dark circles.

  • These can boost collagen production and reduce discoloration
  • Use a serum or eye cream with at least 10% vitamin C for best results

Retinoid Creams

Beauty stores provide retinoid lotions, which can also help improve the look of dark circles under the eyes by encouraging the creation of collagen.

The skin’s melanin content is also reduced by these lotions made with vitamin A.

Melanin content determines skin tone.

Not everyone is a good candidate for retinoid creams.

Before taking retinoid creams, people should speak with their doctor or another medical practitioner.

Kojic Acid, Arbutin, And Hydroquinone Creams

Kojic acid, arbutin, and hydroquinone can reduce skin pigment. They do this by stopping melanin production.

  • These ingredients can inhibit melanin production, but should be used under professional guidance
  • Hydroquinone is available by prescription only in many countries

A study found that small amounts of kojic acid and hydroquinone work well together. However, hydroquinone creams aren’t easy to get in some places because they might have bad side effects.

Arbutin and kojic acid come from nature. Using a little arbutin can help with dark circles under your eyes. But using too much can actually make your skin darker.

Hydroquinone used to be sold without a prescription, but since 2021, you need a doctor to prescribe it.

Before using any product with these ingredients, talk to a skin doctor. They can help you decide if it’s safe for you.

Makeup and Concealers

Some people decide to cover up their dark circles under their eyes using makeup.

Dark circles around the eyes can be covered up with mineral makeup foundation.

Optical diffusers are a class of makeup that helps minimize the look of dark circles by reflecting light away from the skin.

These methods don’t cure or stop dark circles under the eyes.

Color-Correcting Makeup

  • Use peach or orange-toned concealers to neutralize blue or purple undertones before applying your regular concealer
  • Green-tinted concealers can help neutralize redness

Chilled Eye Roller

  • Use a metal roller ball applicator that’s been chilled in the refrigerator
  • The cold temperature and massaging action can help reduce puffiness and improve circulation

Caffeine-Infused Eye Patches

  • Apply for 10–15 minutes before an event for a quick brightening effect
  • The caffeine can help constrict blood vessels and reduce puffiness

Light-Reflecting Concealers

  • Choose concealers with light-reflecting particles to brighten the under-eye area
  • Apply in a triangle shape for a lifting effect

Eye Masks

  • Use hydrogel eye masks infused with brightening ingredients like niacinamide or pearl extract
  • Leave on for 10–15 minutes for an instant, refreshed look

Facial Massage Tools

  • Use jade rollers or gua sha tools to massage the under-eye area
  • This can help improve circulation and reduce fluid retention

Remember, these quick fixes provide temporary results and work best when combined with long-term care and treatment strategies.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can dark circles be permanently eliminated?

Even though there may not be a 100% cure for dark circles, there are treatments and lifestyle modifications that can greatly lessen their appearance, like getting enough sleep, being hydrated, and using good skincare products.

What’s the fastest way to get rid of dark circles?

Compresses with cold water, eye creams, and increased sleep are examples of home cures. Tissue fillers, laser surgery, and chemical peels are examples of medical procedures.

How can dark circles be removed naturally?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to get rid of dark circles beneath the eyes is to use cold tea bags.

For optimal effects, try using chamomile or green tea bags.

Coffee is another option because it increases blood flow and offers quicker relief from these unattractive blemishes.

Can I treat my dark circles with Lipton tea bags?

Yes! Tea bags applied to the eyes are a common home treatment.

Tea bags can lessen puffiness, redness, and dark circles under your eyes, which can make them seem better.

They might also aid in the treatment of pink eye, sties, and discomfort.

You may simply try tea bags at home, as they are an inexpensive and natural choice.

Why do my dark circles persist even after a full night’s sleep?

Asthma, allergies, poor circulation, hormonal fluctuations, malnourishment, anemia, and illnesses affecting the kidneys or liver might all fall under this category.

Additionally, some drugs may make the skin under the eyes appear darker.

If there are no health problems causing dark circles, there can be other variables involved.


Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern, but with the right approach, their appearance can be significantly reduced. Remember that what works for one person may not work for another, so it may take some trial and error to find the best solution for you.

Start with lifestyle changes like improving your sleep, staying hydrated, and protecting your skin from the sun. If these don’t yield satisfactory results, consider over-the-counter treatments or consult with a dermatologist about medical options.

Above all, be patient and consistent with your chosen treatment plan. Reducing dark circles takes time, but with persistence, you can achieve brighter, more youthful-looking eyes.


This information is not meant to replace medical care from a licensed healthcare or beauty expert; rather, it is meant for educational and self-awareness purposes.

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