Skincare Tips

What Does Your Urine Color Say About Your Health?

It’s time to start if you’re not looking into the bowl of your toilet after you urinate.

Urine’s color and cloudiness can provide you with information about your health.

For instance, you’ve undoubtedly heard that your urine’s color might indicate how hydrated you are.

Other health-related information can be inferred from the color of your urine.

Urine color and smell changes are usually not harmful, but occasionally they can point to a health issue.

Urine that is in good health typically has a faint yellow color and a faint smell.

Whatever the case, I will be offering insights through this article on what the color of your urine may say about your health.

Reasons for Different Urine Smells

Urine might smell different for a variety of reasons, including:

  • About 40% of people report smelling ‘asparagus pee,’ or a change in urine after consuming asparagus.
  • Dehydration might give off a stench similar to ammonia.
  • Urine with a fruity fragrance may indicate type 2 diabetes.
  • Urine that smells bad may be an indication of infection-causing germs.

The color of urine can also differ for a number of reasons, including:

  • Clear urine is an indication of overhydration.
  • A pale-yellow urine sample is a sign of adequate hydration.
  • If your pee is dark yellow, you should drink additional water.
  • Pee with an amber tint may be a sign of dehydration.

Excess calcium or phosphate in the body can cause white urine, which can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection.
If the color or smell of your urine suddenly changes, you should always get medical advice.


Why Does Cloudy Urine Occur?

Urine that is cloudy may indicate a number of illnesses, including:

Lack of water

Urine that appears cloudy may be a sign that you are dehydrating or not obtaining enough other fluids.

Tract infection in the urine

Urine that is hazy or milky can be an indication of a urinary tract infection and can be caused by blood, pus, or an overabundance of white blood cells.

Urine may seem hazy due to the overproduction of white blood cells caused by sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Kidney stones

Urine with high mineral levels may seem hazy and may indicate kidney stones.


A cloudy urine might be a sign of kidney damage from uncontrolled diabetes.

Prostate problems

White blood cell counts can rise as a result of an inflamed or diseased prostate.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) may be indicated by cloudy urine.

Additional signs and symptoms of cloudy urine could be:

  • Unpleasant-smelling urine
  • Increased frequency of urination
  • Pain or a burning feeling during urination
What the color of your urine say about your health?

What do the colors signify?

If urine color is colorless or clear

A person who has clear pee may be consuming a lot of water.

By doing this, the blood’s electrolyte balance may be affected. Diuretics, or water tablets, increase urine output.

Those using these medications may experience increased frequency of urination and clear urine.

Diabetes can cause excessive thirst as well as an increased frequency of urination.

They might drink more as a result of this, which might result in clear urine.

If urine color is clear or pale yellow

Generally speaking, having clear or pale-yellow pee indicates that one is well-hydrated and getting enough water to drink.

Individuals with diabetes insipidus produce large amounts of urine.

Every time they urinate, it may lead them to pass significant amounts of light-colored urine.

Additionally, it may make people extremely thirsty, which may encourage them to consume fluids often.

If urine color is dark yellow color                                                                                                                           

Dark yellow urine could indicate mild dehydration.

Usually, this indicates that individuals should increase their water intake.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it is recommended to drink a certain amount of water every day.

But if it’s possible, aiming for roughly 6–8 glasses of water a day could be a good idea.

If urine color is orange

A person who has light orange urine may be mildly dehydrated and should drink more fluids.

Urine that contains certain vitamins, such as vitamin B2 and riboflavin, may also appear bright yellow or orange in color.
Several medications that might cause urine to turn orange include:

  • Phenazopyridine
  • Sulfasalazine
  • There are several laxatives that contain senna.
  • Certain medications used in chemotherapy

If urine color is brown or dark orange

According to the Urology Care Foundation, insufficient urination might result in dark orange or brown urine.

As a result, their urine is deeper in color and more concentrated.

Dehydration, intense activity, or being in a hot environment could be the cause of this.

Urine can be made lighter in color when diluted with extra fluids and electrolytes.

Urine can become dark brown when fava beans are consumed in excess.

Dark urine may be an indication of liver issues

The pigment bilirubin, which is found in bile, can be excreted in large amounts by the body as a result of liver disease.

Dark urine and jaundice may result from this.

Increased bilirubin levels may signify inflammation of the liver or other liver-related illnesses.


Personal care includes checking the color of your urine after peeing.

Urine that is either dark brown or black

One possible sign of a medical issue is dark urine

Liver disease

One indicator of liver illness may be dark urine


This dangerous illness, which results from the destruction of muscle tissue, may be indicated by dark brown, dark red, or tea-colored urine.

Individuals suffering from this ailment require prompt medical attention.


This rare genetic disorder, also known as black urine disease, prevents the body from breaking down two different types of amino acids.

After a few hours of exposure to the air, a child’s pee turns black, and a parent or caregiver may notice darkly stained diapers.

Urine that is Red or pink

Urine may turn pink or red following consumption of specific foods, like rhubarb, blackberries, and beets.

Urine can also turn pink or red due to hematuria, or blood in the pee.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) and prostate infections are two possible causes of this.

Another possible cause is kidney stones, this could indicate cancer or kidney illness in certain instances.

Urine may appear reddish-orange while using laxatives that contain senna and phenazopyridine, a medication used to relieve urinary tract irritation.

In order to find the underlying reason for blood in the urine, it is crucial to speak with a healthcare provider.

Urine that is Green or blue

According to the Urology Care Foundation, consuming foods high in food dye or using some drugs can result in blue or green urine

Urine that is milky or white

A disorder known as chyluria occurs when there is chyle, a milky material produced during digestion, in the urine.

It generally happens as a result of a urinary tract and lymphatic system parasite infection.

Diabetes and Urine

Diabetes may cause urine to occur more frequently.

It can also make someone thirstier, and when someone drinks more, they may produce more urine, which may have a paler tint.

Other than that, no notable changes in urine color seem to occur with well-managed diabetes.

When to Get Medical Assistance

Urine that is hazy can result from UTIs, which are made more likely by diabetes.

Treating a UTI as soon as possible will help avoid problems.

Kidney disease is more likely in people with diabetes.

People should get in touch with a healthcare provider if they frequently urinate, have urine that is regularly darker than usual, or if their pee seems foamy or bubbly.

Urine that appears red or brown should also be reported to a healthcare provider since this could indicate the presence of blood in the urine.

These could be indicators of renal issues.

Pregnancy and Urine

Due to hormonal changes and increased pressure on the bladder, pregnant women may need to urinate more frequently.

This can happen at any point during pregnancy. Increased strain on the pelvic floor during the later stages of pregnancy causes people to experience urine leakage.

Dehydration may result from morning sickness in pregnant women who experience nausea and vomiting.

Urine may become darker in color and generate less urine, as people may notice.

Urine may return to normal in terms of volume and color by replenishing lost fluids and electrolytes.

During pregnancy, it is advised by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) that women consume 8–12 cups (64–96 ounces) of water daily.


Frequently Asked Questions

Which color of pee is unhealthy?

Red and pink.

A range of significant health issues, including kidney illness, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, tumors, and stomach, prostate, or kidney cancer, can be indicated by urine that is pink to red in color.

It can also indicate the passage of blood.

When your kidneys fail, what color is your urine?

Your body may accumulate toxic waste and retain water if your kidneys are failing.

If this occurs, toxins, blood, and extra protein may be found in your urine.

Your urine may turn brown, darker tan, or even slightly red as a result of this.

What are the warning symptoms for urine?

Numerous medical problems might result in changes to the color or appearance of your urine.

Among those are:

Blood in your urine, or red-tinged pee, may indicate kidney stones, malignancy, or a UTI, in rare instances.

Urine that is reddish-purple in color may indicate lead or mercury toxicity.

Which color of pee is abnormal?

Additionally, certain medications might give urine vibrant colors like orange or greenish-blue.

Unusual urine colors can potentially indicate health issues.

Urine can become milky white due to some types of urinary tract infections.

Urine can occasionally appear red due to blood due to kidney stones, certain malignancies, and other illnesses.

What color of pee is the healthiest?

Pale to light yellow to gold is generally considered the best color for urine.

The pigment urochrome, which is produced when hemoglobin in blood breaks down, is what gives blood its yellow hue.

Naturally, the amount of urochrome in urine determines whether it appears pale yellow or dark yellow.

Diabetic urine is what color?

People with diabetes may also experience increased frequency of urination and extreme thirst.

They might drink more water as a result of this, which might result in clear urine.

Which three renal symptoms are early warning signs of kidney disease?
  • You’re feeling quite ill.
  • You appear more worn out than normal.
  • You have pain, swelling, and cramps.
  • Your urine appears to be different.
  • Your hunger is reduced.
  • You suffer from other long-term illnesses.
  • You’re having trouble focusing.
How often should I pee each day?

This is true for regular urination as well.

The typical daily urination frequency for most individuals is six to seven times in a 24-hour period.

If an individual is in good health and content with the frequency of their toilet visits, then between four and ten times per day can also be considered normal.

Which foods aid with kidney repair?

A well-balanced diet is your superfood when it comes to kidney illness, and it may enhance any dish you cook.

  • Pomegranates:

Pomegranates are sweet, juicy, and a great source of antioxidants.

  • Others are:
    Avocado, tofu, low-phosphorus cheese, dairy substitutes, healthy oils and fats, fish, and spices.
What color is the urine from malaria?

Blackwater fever (BWF), a kind of malaria that is characterized by the passage of dark or red urine.

This is frequently accompanied by renal failure, which is caused by hemoglobinuria.

This is the outcome of severe, acute intravascular hemolysis (WHO, 1990).

The condition is typically seen in individuals with weakened malarial immunity.

Where is the discomfort felt in the kidneys?

Usually, kidney discomfort is felt on either side of your spine, under your ribs, or in your back.

Kidney infections, stones, or other kidney issues could be the cause.

Kidney pain can be avoided by drinking lots of fluids and avoiding urinary tract infections.

Why does my urine smell and look yellow?

Urine that smells bad or has an odd smell might have a number of reasons, including diabetes, infections, eating asparagus, and using certain drugs.

The underlying cause may affect the course of treatment.

Urine frequently smells slightly like ammonia, especially in the morning or when the person is dehydrated.



This information is not meant to replace medical care from a licensed healthcare or beauty expert; rather, it is meant for educational and self-awareness purposes.


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