
Best Facial Oil for Dermaplaning – Benefits and Effects

When you are planning for a dermaplaning facial, you need to plan for the oil to use for the facials also.

This is because different skin types have different needs when it comes to oil.

Jojoba, sweet almond, and argan oils are a few of the suggested facial oils for dermaplaning.

These oils are ideal for dermaplaning since they are lightweight and readily absorbed by the skin.

In this article, I will discuss the oil that suits the different skin types during dermaplaning facials.

Oil Planing

When selecting a product for dermaplaning or oil planing, there are a few things you should consider. These include features that will help your skin and prevent irritation or discomfort.

They include:

Select an organic face oil

Make sure the ingredients in your oil are very simple and that it comes from a natural source.

When it comes to oilplaning, the higher the natural proportion of your selected face oil, the healthier and milder it is for your skin.

Go for unscented oils

Make sure the oil isn’t overly scented with essential oils, since this could aggravate your skin’s balance and create dermaplaning irritation.

It is best to avoid using fragrances and essential oils right after dermaplaning since they can aggravate your skin and result in redness.

To avoid any undesirable skin responses when dermaplaning, choose fragrance-free face oils or oils with a mild scent.

You must use non-comedogenic facial oil

It is imperative that the face oil you apply either before or after dermaplaning is non-comedogenic, which means it won’t clog pores and result in breakouts.

You can use non-comedogenic face oil on any type of skin.

You can use the facial oil with non-comedogenic characteristics for oil-planing, even if you are prone to breakouts and acne.

Go for nourishing and moisturizing oil

The face oil has to be moisturizing and nourishing in order to help restore equilibrium to your skin and fortify your skincare barrier following dermaplaning.

As with any exfoliating treatments, dermaplaning can cause your skin to become dry, so following, you should make sure your skin gets all the moisture it needs.

Which Oil Is Used In Dermaplaning?

Jojoba Oil:

For skin soothing. High in antioxidants, essential fatty acids, natural vitamin E, and phytosterols.

Argan oil:

It helps to brighten and enhance the skin’s luster.

Hemp seed oil:

Rich in essential fatty acids, it balances Omega 3 and 6, adds shine, and helps cells carry oxygen.

Dermaplaning facial

The process of facial dermaplaning involves manually exfoliating the skin to get rid of tiny hairs and dead skin. buildup.

The goal is to improve the appearance of the skin rather than remove hair, which makes it different from shaving.

Best facial oil for dermaplaning

Dermaplaning Facial Description

Dermaplaning is a technique for physically exfoliating the skin that involves delicately shaving the skin’s surface with a sterile surgical scalpel to remove the topmost layer of dead skin cells and fine facial hair.

Due to the hair removal, this painless procedure leaves the skin smoother and silkier than other exfoliating methods.

In essence, dermaplaning can aid in lessening the visibility of acne scars or other facial flaws by exposing fresher, undamaged skin.

Although it might make your skin appear younger, it cannot reverse the aging process.

Dermaplane facial before and after

Dermaplaning Facial Before, During and After

Before Dermaplaning     

No matter what, avoid exfoliating your skin before dermaplaning.

Prior to dermaplaning, using abrasive exfoliants on your skin can actually reduce how effective the procedure is.

Stop using all facial exfoliants three to five days prior to your dermaplaning procedure in order to gain the greatest benefit from your procedure.

Not every razor is created equally, and not every razor is suitable for dermaplaning.

It is important that the right razor is used during the procedure.

Keep your skin hydrated by moisturizing more frequently and using the best facial oil for dermaplaning available on the market.

During Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning doesn’t require general anesthesia, but around 30 minutes prior to the operation, your doctor may apply a numbing cream or spray to your face.

Dermaplaning tool

Although you might experience some stinging or itching on your skin, dermaplaning is often not painful.

A dermatome is a specialized tool used by your healthcare practitioner to remove hair and skin cells.

The device has an electric razor-like appearance and is the best facial razor for dermaplaning.

A tiny blade called the dermatome, a dermaplaning facial razor, glides across your skin back and forth.

Without causing any cuts to your skin, it gently removes the outermost layers of skin.

Your skin may then receive a calming gel or ointment to lessen any further redness, swelling, or irritability.

A few minutes to an hour and a half can pass throughout the procedure.

The size of the area that needs treatment determines how long the treatment will take.

Dermaplaning facial before and after
After Dermaplaning

After the dermaplaning facial process, your skin may be mildly painful, red, and puffy.

A little redness following dermaplaning is typical.

Your skin could be a little sore just after your at-home treatment, but that’s entirely normal.

You’re left with new skin after clearing away all the debris and dead skin cells that are weighing down your complexion and sensitive, fresh skin is a given.

Continue to steer clear of abrasive cleansing products like exfoliants or scrubbing serums, and handle your skin gently.

Wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher after the treatment because your skin will be extremely sensitive to sun exposure and may already appear to be quite pink.

Your healthcare provider may provide over-the-counter pain relievers to relieve any discomfort.

If you see any swelling that worsens or lasts longer than a week, get in touch with your doctor.

Dermaplaning Facial Benefits


Dermaplane facial before and after

This well-liked in-office skincare treatment provides a quick path to clear skin.

Dermaplaning can result in a more luminous complexion by using a specific scalpel to remove hair from the skin’s surface.

It can also help reveal healthy skin beneath layers of dead skin cells, get the face ready for further treatments like peels and lasers, and help the skin absorb skincare products.

Who undergoes dermaplaning?

If you have skin issues like:

  • Acne scars, you might think about dermaplaning.
  • Actinic keratosis, which can cause scaly skin areas and skin cancer.
  • Dry or dull skin.
  • Peach fuzz, which is your face’s fine, silky hair.
  • Skin is harmed by exposure to the sun.
  • Minor creases (wrinkles)

Expectation Following Facial and Dermaplaning

Everyone recovers differently in the weeks and months following dermaplaning, but you can expect the redness and swelling to go down within a week.

Two weeks later:

The treated region may develop a scab, which eventually goes off. The skin beneath will appear rosy and taut. It could be scratchy.

After two weeks, the majority of people can resume their jobs, but you should refrain from heavy activity.

4-6 weeks later:

You can gradually resume participating in sports or other activities, but avoid direct sunlight.

Frequently asked Questions on Dermaplaning Facial

How often should you get a dermaplaning facial?

The skin completes its skin renewal cycle in 28 days, which means dermaplaning removes 28 days’ worth of dead skin cells.

Its best to allow the skin to complete this cycle and have the treatment once a month.

Does dermaplaning remove facial hair permanently?

Dermaplaning does not permanently eliminate hair; it only temporarily removes the entire layer of vellus hair on the face. After dermaplaning, facial hair eventually grows back.

Does facial hair grow back thicker after dermaplaning?

It’s a myth that your facial hair will grow back thicker or darker after dermaplaning.

Being a non-invasive exfoliating treatment, your hair simply cannot be changed by dermaplaning.

The hair will regrow, but neither its color nor its thickness will alter.

Price of Dermaplaning?

Typically, dermaplaning facial costs vary from $100 to $150.

About three to four weeks pass before seeing results. This is due to the average 28-day lifespan of skin cells.

One thing to keep in mind is that dermaplaning is charged for each session and is often not covered by insurance.

What is a dermaplaning facial?

The process of facial dermaplaning involves manually exfoliating the skin to get rid of tiny hairs and dead skin buildup.

Which facial oil works best after dermaplaning?

Squalane oil is a lightweight, non-greasy option that works well for dermaplaning.

It helps to hydrate and shield the skin barrier and it is readily absorbed by the skin.

All skin types, including sensitive skin, can use it as well.

What can I use prior to dermaplaning?

Make use of an antimicrobial skincare item. Antibacterial products combat microorganisms.

What can I do after dermaplaning?

Wash your face with a gentle cleanser.

Apply a face oil or moisturizing serum.

Following your procedure, adhere to a basic skincare regimen.

Apply SPF.

Don’t put on makeup for a full day.

Refrain from touching your face.

Steer clear of harsh skincare products.

Stay away from swimming pools and chlorine.

What goes well with dermaplaning?

Chemical peels and dermaplaning are two therapy modalities that complement each other nicely.

If necessary, you can repeat your dermaplaning treatments every month.

These treatments can include a variety of techniques, like moisturizing facials, laser treatments, microneedling, and even microdermabrasion.

It can help deepen the peeling process.

Can you use olive oil for dermaplaning?

Getting the skin ready:

You are welcome to use whatever oil product you own; however, experts use professional-grade Societe Massage Oil.

Baby oil or olive oil are excellent options.

Just enough oil is needed to make the skin slip well enough for the blade to glide over it.

Is it possible to use vitamin C after dermaplaning?

Aftercare for Dermaplaning

Antioxidants are essential for protecting the newly exposed skin layer since they stop free radicals from wreaking havoc on your newly revealed complexion.

Vitamin C is the antioxidant recommended because it not only neutralizes free radicals but also promotes collagen formation and brightens the skin.



With so many options available, choosing the ideal face oil for dermaplaning or oilplaning might be difficult. Select the face oil that seems to work best for your skin type.

If you have sensitive skin, look for a face oil that has additional relaxing properties.

Choose an oil with antioxidants if you think your skin is looking lifeless.

Is your skin in need of additional food? Omega-rich face oils can assist in replenishing your skin’s nutrition.

When selecting the ideal face oil for dermaplaning, keep in mind your skin type and any potential needs.

To get the most out of your skincare, it may occasionally be helpful to use a facial oil mix or a serum that has been blended with natural face oils.


This information is not meant to replace medical care from a licensed healthcare or beauty expert; rather, it is meant for educational and self-awareness purposes.


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